Joining the Elhew Club

I made a mistake around 1989, I took my young Brittany to a field trial and placed him second in a 30-minute walking derby stake.  It was an American Field sanctioned event and he was one of the few short-tailed dogs entered.  I soon realized that if I really wanted to compete, I would have […]

Summer Training

As we roll into March, which is coming in like a lamb, it’s time to think about the summer program here at Wild Apple Kennel.  Over the last few summers, I have turned away a lot of dogs because I had some health issues.  Those are all resolved and I’m feeling great.  Which means, I […]

Wing Addiction Podcast

I did an interview with Josh and Leslie Moore of the Wing Addiction Podcast yesterday and it was posted last night (August 6, 2021).  We talked about bird dogs, Elhew dogs, grouse, and bird hunting.  Give it a listen.  

Confessions of a Woodcock Hunter

I’m a grouse hunter.  I raise pointers that are highly competitive in grouse trials.  I train grouse dogs, and I even wrote a book titled Building a Grouse Dog, but I have a confession to make – I have had a long and passionate relationship with woodcock.  One might suggest that I actually cheat on […]