Do the numbers

I’m in Kentucky getting the nursery ready for my first granddaughter who is due here in early June, but my phone keeps ringing with reports from the woods at home. Tom Parker’s pointer Veronica had her first woodcock find of the season Sunday morning in a river bottom cover not far from the house. So, […]

Some Ramblings

I decided yesterday that it’s probably a good thing that it’s going to warm up today and tomorrow and we’re probably done skijoring for the season. Jack and LJ have definitely gained in conditioning. Yesterday, in a 40 minute run they put me in the bushes twice as we went too fast around a couple […]

Woodcock Arrive!

Male Woodcock trying to get the best singing grounds arrive in the North Country before the snow is gone. It’s always fun this time of year to gather reports of woodcock moving north. My son-in-law called yesterday to report their dog had flushed one in central Kentucky, Dave Hawke told Tony he’s had then in […]

March? Really!

Stokely’s Mikey D It may say March on the calendar but yesterday we had our biggest snowfall of the winter (about 8″) and when you put that on top of the six inches we got last weekend, it suddenly looks like winter outside. I decided yesterday to head down to the Southern New England Woodcock […]