21 Woodcock

We’re starting to make real progress getting the dogs into birds.  Yesterday we tried a couple of new spots and ended the morning with 12 grouse and 9 woodcock. This morning we started earlier than usual to try and beat the heat.  In three braces of dogs we moved a total of 21 woodcock. The […]

Soaked Again

Got soaked again this morning but it was worth it.  In total we moved 15 woodcock and 3 grouse with a number of the dogs involved.  The best brace was Frankie and Lucy as we moved most of the woodcock with them including one find where Lucy pointed a grouse and then flushed three woodcock […]


Boy is it wet.  The other morning we had to wait until 8:30 for the rain to stop and then went down into Red Barn and had some good bird work with the dogs.  We’re also starting to find good numbers of birds in a variety of training covers.  This morning we got caught out […]

Back into the Woods

Although I’ve missed a number of days on the blog, I haven’t missed any days working dogs since my last installment here.  Starting Monday I’ve been back in our summer training covers with all the adult dogs and the Tony’s been going out for the early runs the last three days.  It’s extremely wet in […]