Just so you don’t think all Tony and I do is run around counting unbelievable numbers of birds, I wanted you to know that today was a work day where we took my tractor and Tony’s weedwacker (we actually do let him operate power tools) and spent the morning working down in our Red Barn […]
Author Archives: Craig Doherty
Red Barn Preseason Report
Today seemed to be a good day to take a couple of broke shooting dogs down through Red Barn to see what was around for wild birds. This is our training cover that is about 2 minutes away from Tony’s house and has been featured in previous blog posts. On the truck today were Wild […]
More On Range
The Big Thudd stirred things up over on the Upland Journal message board by starting a thread based on the post I made a couple of days ago about range (see below). I basically said that range should not be a primary issue when picking a puppy. In reality I was being a little disingenuous. […]
Preseason Bird Report
When you were a little kid, did you ever sneak up into the attic and check out the Christmas presents before Santa was scheduled to arrive? Well for Tony and I Christmas usually comes in late June or early July when we go back in the woods to start training dogs. The present we can […]