
Wild Apple LJ on a find back in July. It was a good weekend over in McAdam, New Brunswick at the inaugural running of the Maritime Open Grouse Classic and Bob Little deserves a big thank you for doing the lion’s share of the work to make this happen.  Originally, the trial was to take […]


Quick note from McAdam, New Brunswick.  Maritime Open Grouse Classic — winner Magic Mist Bandit — Joe Dahl — Runner-up Peacedale Duke — Richie Frisella.  Both dogs ran in the first brace Bandit had a woodcock and Duke had a grouse.  They backed each other on the finds.  As the day progressed it got warmer […]


Pat Carney, along with Tony and her husband Lloyd were on hand for a return to the No Name Cover  Thursday morning. Everything goes along just fine — until it doesn’t.  We went back to the No Name Cover yesterday to try and approach it from the other side.  That worked great and gave us […]

No Name Cover

Tony and Lloyd Carney getting Trash ready for the first brace this morning. Last December towards the end of the grouse season, Tommy and I went to a spot he had seen deer hunting and running his bear dogs.  With a couple of inches of snow and Jack on the ground we moved 25 to […]