Puppy Day

Helped pack up the family this morning and hung around to see them on their way back to Kentucky, Then spent some time in the bird field.  Here’s some pics of the pups from today. Glo Peanut Sam Ruby

6:09 AM

At 6:09 this morning we broke away the first brace in Red Barn.  At the end of the fourth brace we had moved 25 woodcock and 1 grouse.  All the dogs on the trucks had birds this morning.  Maggie and Trash had the first brace and the first two birds within 30 seconds of the […]

Microbursts and other updates

Sometimes I feel the guilt of not having blogged in a few days.  It’s sort of like the confessional and the sins build up the longer you stay away. So, forgive me, it’s been six days since I blogged.  In that time we’ve lost power when a front went through, a microburst wiped out about […]

Luck of the Draw

We have lots of different places that we work the dogs on wild birds and sometimes you find them where the were last time and other times it doesn’t work out quite as well.  Today was the perfect example of the luck of the draw.  I put Pete down first in a cover we ran […]