Summer has not quit yet. Despite two mornings with frost recently, it was already 60 with high humidity when we headed out this morning. After two braces of dogs it was pushing 70. Now, at 11:30 it is 86 headed to over 90. The dogs we ran this morning still did okay. Rigby had two […]
Author Archives: Craig Doherty
Wild Apple Kennel Guide Service
As of today I am officially a licensed New Hampshire Guide. Today was the culmination of a process I began last winter as I had to get first aid and CPR certification before I could apply. There was a written test I took in the spring as well as an oral exam. I had a […]
Feels like Fall
From the house and yard you look across the valley to a large hill. Have noticed in the last few days that it is just starting to change color. There is a little hint of red and yellow mixed. This morning it was 57 when I got up and that was the high for the […]
Camp is Winding Down
Birdy (aka Peanut) is already hunting in Montana and Lucy left Monday. Ed Nicholson is here for a few days and then is headed out with Ruby. Rich Claxton is coming up today and taking Maggie home tomorrow. Cider went to Henry and Dave McCarthy a couple weeks ago. Max and Jagger leave next week […]