Polka Dot?

Newest arrival at Wild Apple Kennel. Tony and Marie Bly delivered her from Michigan today. Autumn Snow X Indian Creek Triple Rail — whelped March 7th. This will give Molly a playmate. Tony and Marie called her Polka Dot as she has five body patches and a dot on the top of her head. the […]

Dogs for Sale

last year about this time I took a quick trip to Kentucky to pick up some puppies from a litter by Autumn Moon out of Creek’s Elhew Lucy.  This was a repeat breeding that had produced the dog Autumn Snow in the first litter.  Snow is a nice young male that Scott Chaffee has for […]

Grouse, Grouse, Grouse!!!

Enough snow has melted to let me take Molly for a walk around the puppy course here at the kennel. and she got to here her first grouse flush.  In fact she got to hear three of them go from under a blowdown.  She then went in and sniffed around for a bit.  It’s good […]


As far as I’m concerned yesterday was the first day of spring here in Northern New Hampshire.  Sam and Glo had the first woodcock find of the year (we moved a grouse as well) and the field at my next door neighbor’s had 9 deer in it in the middle of the afternoon.  There’s more […]