It’s Brutal Out There

Swarming deer flies can drive you out of the woods.

Normally at this time of the year it is cool enough in the morning to not only run dogs but to keep the deer flies at bay.  They usually come out as the day warms and Tony and I are headed for the diner for breakfast.  This morning it was close to 70 at 6:00 am and the deer flies were already swarming as we broke away the first brace.  With Brandy at home with Tim for a week and Max on IR for at least one more day, I was able to get Annie and Trip out of the kennel for a run today.  The heat, high humidity, and still air made bird finding all but impossible and we only moved two grouse in the first brace and went birdless in the second.  By then it was well over 70 and we headed in for an early breakfast.  After breakfast I had enough time before it got too hot to run both puppy braces.  All four of them are doing great and making good progress.

Yesterday was a Red barn day and we ran four braces of dogs.  Pete, Lucy, Maggie and Jagger were all on the truck and most had bird contact with 15 woodcock flushed.  Lucy got dog of the day honors with two nice finds where she stayed staunch and then remained steady to wing and shot.  I’d brag on her more but she’s from the Jack X Trip litter two years ago and I don’t want to be accused of favoritism.
Posted in Current News.

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