Southern New England Woodcock Championshrip

I’m going to be at the SNEWC which will run for the next three days. They got a nice entry of 32 dogs. I’ll try to post an update each evening. Jack runs in the 8th brace which should be the second brace on Saturday. He drew the Barber Farm course which has usually had […]

Song of Spring

One of the great pleasures of spring is listening to the woodcock sing. Last night I drove up to one of our training covers and waited for it to get dark. At 7:34 I heard the first woodcock fly and then begin his mating song. over the next 20 minutes I identified at least four […]


I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have long practices pickinig out who was dog of the day. I think it started for me in Texas with Bob Stewart and Bill McFadden. Bill always wanted his dog to be “dog of the day” while in reality it was often one of Bob’s […]


Got back from a week in Kentucky and was able to get the dogs out. There was still a little snow arond the house so we headed south about 30 minutes in hopes of running in to a bunch of flight birds. But it was not to be. Other than the unproductive where we found […]