Skijoring Equipment

Getting ready to go! This is the first time since the winter of 97-98 that I have not gone to Texas and with Jack running in early trials (Possibly March and definitely the first week in April) I have been working on getting him and LJ in shape. We haven’t had much snow this winter […]

snow training

Thursday and Friday the temperatures were in the 40s here in Northern New Hampshire and Tony and I got out and ran dogs. There is about six inches of corn snow that was soft enough to let the dogs run. We even moved some birds. Jack had a find in some hardwood whips where three […]

International Amateur Woodcock Championship

In the fall of 2003, I was looking around to breed Elhew Liebotschaner (Lady) and was excited by a derby dog, Wynot Ace, that had just won the Amateur Grouse here in Kilkenny. I went to New Brunswick and watched him run in and win the International Amateur Woodcock Championship. I set two goals then […]

skijoring and birds

Today temperatures were close to freezing at noon and well above a few hours later. Got out with Jack and LJ in harness before it got too warm and skied with them for about 30 minutes. It’s great as the up and down terrain has them alternating between pulling hard and almost free running, there […]