Still Here!

I’m checking just a dusk each night to see if the male woodcock is still singing in my front yard.  As of last night he was still here ever hopeful – as am I  about this upcoming fall.  Although we’ve had some rain over the last week the temperatures have been relatively mild and the […]

Wynot Ace

(Jack Harang and I talked the other day and he had the sad news that Wynot Ace has been diagnosed with lung cancer and although he is on medication and does not seem to be suffering yet, his days are numbered.  I thought I’d share this essay from the Spring 2009 issue of FTM with […]

Grand National Puppy Classic April 1, 2012

Wild Apple LJ’s first win picture – 3rd in the Grand National Puppy Classics – I had planned to run him over in Maine this weekend as his puppy career is fast coming to an end, but spent Friday getting a green laser prostrate vaporization and I am spending the weekend recuperating.  I expect his […]

More Woodcock Adventures

The picture above is of my house.  It sits at the top of an old hay field surrounded by various stages of woodland cover that includes over 200 apple trees both original orchard and volunteers.  The last time we ran a dog, just on the bottom 20 acres or so of the 100 acre property, […]