If you read Monday’s post you know that in one workout Frankie and Jack combined for 18 finds on grouse and woodcock in just a little over an hour. I assume many of you are envious that we have access to that quantity of wild birds, and might be led to believe that the abundance […]
Author Archives: Craig Doherty
Quick Monday Report
Only had time to run one brace of dogs this morning as I’m off to the airport to pick-up my granddaughter and her parents. We took Jack and Frankie to one of our newer covers and in just over an hour Tony fired 8 times over Frankie and I fired ten times over Jack. Three […]
Little Thuddy’s Big Day
At 5:32 this morning the sun was a huge red ball just at the top of the spruces as we headed for Red Barn with both Big and Little Thuddd in the truck. His trainer had been bragging up the Little Thudster who had just spent a couple of days with the Big Thud getting […]
Dog of the Day and other Observations
This is my first attempt at getting a picture of Jack on point this morning. At least I had the camera pointed in the right direction. (If you don’t know what I’m talking, about see the post in April called “The Lighter Side of Dog Training.) This morning it was in the 50s already […]