Trouble in Bird Dog Paradise

Let’s face it, Tony has enough Italian in him that he figures if he just keeps arguing the same point over and over again he’ll eventually get his way.  So to avoid further whining and future Italian justice I will no longer be posting the dog of the day on the blog.  I will however […]

The Dog of the Day Conundrum

Wild Apple LJ on one of his finds this morning.  I knew when I named LJ dog of the day on Wednesday that I get a ration of s**t from Tony.  He felt Little Thuddy should have been named day dog.  He made some valid points as Thuddy did have two finds, but it’s my […]

Little Thuddy Outbirds The Old Man

Some days are better than others and Jack had a bit of an off day this morning.  He and Little Thuddy got run together in section four of Red Barn.  Jack had a heck of a limb find.  He was about 150 yards away when the Garmin beeped and I headed right to him only […]

Nine Pointer and 47 Woodcock

This nine point skull was found in the ferns in front of Jack on Friday. It’s not always just about the birds here at Wild Apple Kennel.  There are lots of other critters in our woods.  The other day LJ pointed a fawn in its bed and It ran out right in front of Katie […]