Patterning a Grouse Dog

If you watch one of the top grouse field trial dogs in the country run and pay close attention you should notice two things that they all share.  First is they run to the front and secondly they check in with the handler on a fairly regular but not to frequent basis.  That is not […]

Equipment Failures and Rain Delays

Monday Marie’s van was making a strange noise so they dropped at the dealers then on the way home amp-meter on Tony’s dashboard went to zero and when he got home the truck wouldn’t start.  Tony put the truck on the charger and got enough battery to get it started and to the garage on […]

Worst Day Ever

Saturday was a typical day in the North Country, We moved bunches of birds with Little Thuddy, Jack, Frankie, Rigby, and LJ.  Eight Grouse and double digit woodcock were found in some of our best covers.  Big Thudd was up to drop Rigby at Camp Stokely and brought the usual great steaks and other fixings. […]

Testing 1, 2, 3!!!

Frankie on a find this morning.   It’s been coming for a while now and I’ve just been biding my time giving LJ enough rope to hang himself.  LJ was born May 4, 2011 which makes him just a little over 15 months old.  We shot a bunch of birds for him last fall and […]