First Grouse Point

I walk pups every morning and the walks get a little longer and a little harder to negotiate for the pups as they get a little bigger.  Today was the first time, I took the remaining two Jack X Belle pups up on the hill behind the house.  One grouse flushed wild without the pups […]

Puppy Videos

Today’s walk took us into a wet spot in hopes of finding a woodcock.  No luck with that but the pups have no fear of the woods. Despite the fact that these puppies are starting to hunt when we go on our walks, they are still very much puppies as this tug of war with […]

Kentucky Kids

Here’s a quick video of the Autumn Moon X Creek’s Elhew Lucy pups.  They’re 8 1/2 weeks old. They don’t really stop much and pose for pictures. For now there walks are restricted to the relatively easy going of the yard and fields nearest the house.  Soon we’ll head further afield with trips to the […]