Wild Apple Weekend

Friday night Justin Evans from PA and Dennis McFeeley from NJ arrived with Jagger and Max to drop them off for the summer grouse camp.  Tim Kisieleski joined us and provided great fare for the grill.  It was extremely hot for New Hampshire for this time of the year with Saturday reaching into the 90s […]

Wild Apple Guide Service

Yesterday I passed the first part of the NH Hunting Guides test and will be going for my oral exam on June 10th.  If I pass that I plan to be offering guided bird hunts here in New Hampshire either with my dogs on yours.  More information will be posted once the testing process is […]

Hatch Watching

I know it doesn’t make any difference, but at this time of year I pay extra attention to the weather.  The number of birds we’ll have this summer for training and next fall for hunting is in part dependent on the weather during the hatching time.  Hopefully very few birds were hatched out up here […]

First Outing

Loaded up a truckload of dogs to work this morning that included Pete and Maggie that arrived Saturday afternoon.  I know some have accused me of at least hyperbole when reporting bird counts during the training and hunting season do I don’t want to sound to pretentious about covers, etc but this morning was a […]