Rainy Day

between rain showers today have been doing yard work with the dogs.  Heel and whoa around the yard and then up on the barrel for some eye level contact.  It’s almost time to start putting collars on the little pups and getting them to lead. Ran down to the post office and the store.  Saw […]

In the bird field

Got the bird field mowed yesterday so we could get out first thing today.  Worked Brandy, Pete, Jagger, Maggie, Cider, and Max before we left to work on handling out at the dam. A New Hampshire “covey” of quail Everyone but Max was worked on a checkcord.  Max was in the clean up slot and […]


Today was a perfect day to work dogs here in the North Country.  The high temperature was 62 and I was able to work dogs all day.  All the client dogs got out either here on the kennel course or out at the dam.  I’m still trying to avoid the actual bird covers while we […]

Cooler Weather

With cooler air coming in today, I was able to get out and work a bunch of dogs today.  I ran Pete, Maggie, and Cider up at the dam where there usually aren’t any birds this time of year.  As I walked Pete up the road a bit before I broke him away a saw […]