Today was a day full of interesting wild life here in the North Country. It started out with the Jack puppies on the loop that leaves from behind the kennel. There first find baffled me for a moment as a bunch of little brown bombers buzzed up out of the grass on the side of […]
Author Archives: Craig Doherty
Quick update
Lots of water in Northern New England poured all day yesterday. Just misting this morning when I started running dogs at 6:30. Everyone got a good run in this morning and although we all got wet. I think I going to try a pair of the chaps that both Cabela’s and Bean’s are selling that […]
Exhibition Game
The real training on wild birds doesn’t start for a couple weeks yet but I’m trying to get everyone tuned up so they’ll be ready to go when I get back into the woods full-time. My main concerns at this point are handling (which includes yardwork) and conditioning, that said we still keep running into […]
Up till now its been all fun and games for these four puppies. They bucked, the spun around, they dug in and resisted, but they all made down the drive about a 100 yards and back for their first more formal training session. Afterwards I cleaned their pens and let them have some play time. […]