This morning we did the short loop here at the kennel with both sets of Puppies. The black and white ones got into a brood of grouse and the hen led them on a merry chase as she would flush and fly only 20 or 30 yards drawing them both away from the chicks which […]
Author Archives: Craig Doherty
Starting to See Some Birds
Yesterday was primarily a yardwork day so this morning I threw Max and Pete in the truck and headed up onto an old hill farm that has some good woodcock cover. Both dogs ran well and in the cool of the morning (temp in the low 40s) and Pete had a nice find on a […]
Hamilton’s Blue Diamond
Received this from the Tracys. It’s long overdue. 8 X CH. HAMILTON’S BLUE DIAMOND Hamilton’s Blue Diamond (call name Jett) is being nominated for the Field Trial Hall of Fame and we are requesting your support and vote. You may have had the opportunity to see Jett compete and witnessed his great abilities first hand. Jett […]
40th Anniversary
Yesterday was Katie and my 40th Anniversary. Worked dogs, went for a wildlife drive in the afternoon and out for an ice cream cone after dinner. That was about as much celebrating as we can take. Young moose grazing in a field. They are so poorly designed that they have to get down on their […]