Winter Wonderland

There have been times in the last 30 + years when we have had bare ground until Christmas and beyond.  There have also been years when the snows have come in November and stayed.  This is one of those years.  We got back down to bare ground once but it was -15 here yesterday and […]

Wilderness First Aid for People and Maybe Dogs

Spent the weekend at a Wilderness First Aid Class to re-certify the first aid requirements for my hunting guide’s license.  The Fish and Game requirement is for just a basic first aid course but those are designed for people who are responding to a situation where professional help (ambulance or hospital) is going to be available […]

Wood, Wood, Everywhere.

The view from up on the hill is getting better all the time.  You can now look out across the valley and see the White Mountains in the distance.  Fortunately you can’t see them from the house because New Hampshire has what’s known as a “view tax” which increases the value of your property for […]

Let the Trees Fall Where They May . . . So to Speak.

          Took a long walk around the area we’re having cut today.  So far, the Hot Saw operator is primarily laying out his trails and there was not a safe way to get a video of the saw in action.  I’ll try to do that in the next couple of days. […]