Pigeon marathon

Since the quail were all killed last weekend, we switched to pigeons today and worked six dogs on them. Pigeons are great if traps or harnesses as they give off a lot of scent and usually fly well. However, that was not the case today, the pigeons I got this year are some fancy breed […]

Neither rain nor snow nor …

A day or two after my last post it snowed here in Northern New Hampshire and lasted for a couple of days. Then I went out to Wisconsin to help my daughter celebrate the completion of her PHD. Got back Sunday night to find that all the quail in the Johnny house had been killed […]

back in the bird field

I try not to over do anyone aspect of training — I think the smart dogs quickly get bored with too much of the same thing. They also get so they know the routine too well. Tony Bly and I used to do a lot of training with homing pigeons and we’d try to mix […]

Airing out the Kennel Dogs

There are seven pointers here at Wild Apple Kennel — five live in Scott kennels and two, Wild Apple Jack and Trip, live in the house. Just up the road from the house is a gated area of state land that has a canal running through it leading to a small hydro plant it is […]