Spent Thursday to Sunday down in Fryeburg at the Northern New England Woodcock Championship and the companion stakes on Thursday. In the restricted shooting dog on Thursday two dogs from our breeding got their first shooting dog placements which will qualify them to run in any championships including the Grand National here in NH this […]

New York Grouse

Last week we focused on a final tune up for Jack and Ginger for the NY Grouse Championship. Then on Thursday we headed over for the trial. We got lucky with Wild Apple Jack drawn in the fourth brace and Ginger in the 9th. This was the same course that Jack had last year with […]

Back in School

It’s been a busy, and hot, week here in the North Country as the started of classes has restricted some of my free time. We were last out on Sunday morning and with the shorter days the sun is just coming up at 6:30. We are in another long dry spell and birds were hard […]