Almost Half-Time

As the middle of July fast approaches, we mark the halfway point in our summer wild bird program.  So far all the dogs in camp have had opportunities on wild birds — both grouse and woodcock — and, since we have so many young dogs, they have also been getting regular work on pigeons.  The wild birds have been relatively fought to come by with only a couple of exceptions.  Looking a t the blog reports from the last two summers it is likely that things will be picking up soon.  We have also had a couple of nice mornings this past week.  It was in the mid-40s the morning I took the picture below of the brook and of Tony.

Stearn’s Brook meanders through a set of old fields that have been one of our most reliable training areas over the las 27 years. 

Tony modeling his Purina chaps.  These lightweight chaps make walking through the wet grass and brush a lot easier.

Wild Apple Calvados return to the kennel yesterday to get ready for the fall wild bird derby trials that will start in Canada with the New Brunswick Grouse Classic Labor Day Weekend.

Wild Apple Blackbird started out here last summer but spent the fall and winter running the prairies of Montana.  It was amazing how quickly she adjust her range back to the woods.

Posted in Current News.

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