Enough snow has melted to let me take Molly for a walk around the puppy course here at the kennel. and she got to here her first grouse flush. In fact she got to hear three of them go from under a blowdown. She then went in and sniffed around for a bit. It’s good to see grouse after the winter we’ve had and if we found three down on the edge of the field you can bet there’s more up on the hill behind the house. They haven’t started drumming yet but I’m sure they will soon. It is also warm enough to go out at dusk and listen for woodcock peenting. There’s still quite a bit of snow in spots that don’t get full sun but the forecast is now calling for it to be in the mid-70s Monday. That will knock the heck out of the snow that’s left. The robins are showing up in good size flocks on the front lawn that just a couple of days ago was still covered with snow. Got the three Bud Bros out as well and they are growing like weeds. And the pigeon coop is ready for it’s roof and perches inside.
Molly get a nose full of grouse scent just after 3 birds flushed from under this blowdown. |
Still about a foot of snow on this stretch of the puppy course here at the kennel. |
Flocks of robins were coming and going all day on the front lawn. |
The Pigeon Palace is ready for roofing and other finish work. |