Summer Grouse Camp

For awhile I’ve had a number of people asking if I’d work a dog for them and I’ve declined for a number of reasons that included teaching obligations and the desire to remain an amateur for the purposes of running dogs in field trials.  Over the last few years it has gotten to the point where I run in one amateur trial a year and since the Field Trial Magazine went out of business I have more free time.  So, I’ve told a number of people that are getting Jack or LJ puppies that I would be willing to start the puppies for them.  If I’m going to do that and not teach part time I will have time to work a few older dogs as well.  Already have one signed up and am looking for a couple more.

I’m have no interest in becoming a handler on the wild bird circuit but would consider working a dog for a owner that wants to run it in cover dog trials.  I’d also be interested in taking hunting dogs from committed owners who want to give their dogs a lot of wild bird experience over next summer.  I’m planning a three month program that will run June, July, and August with a refresher and acclimation period in June in the yard and bird field and then regular work on native grouse and woodcock for the rest of the summer.

If you think you’d be interested in sending your dog to Summer grouse camp in Northern New Hampshire give me a call and we’ll discuss details.  603-381-8763.

Posted in Current News.

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