Not yet!

As of 1:00pm Sunday, our pet hen woodcock is still on the nest.  Some rain in the 10 day forecast but nothing severe as far as temperature is concerned.  It was a beautiful weekend and a great time to get caught up on yard work as the black flies are not out yet.  Got the brush saw out and cleared a section of an old orchard next to the bird field.  The raspberries and small chokecherries were getting so bad the quail would fly in there from the bird field and then you could never get them in the air again as the scooted around on the ground.

The other type of yardwork is also continuing on a regular basis.  LJ is getting very good on the Wonder lead for heel and whoa but, as you can see in the picture hasn’t yet come to accept being left standing on the barrel.  Repetition and patience are the key to success here.  Once we get a little further along with this I’ll start using the belly-band in the yard so it will be one of the tools in the box this summer as we work towards getting derby broke for the fall wild bird trials.  

Posted in Current News.

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