It’s been a busy, and hot, week here in the North Country as the started of classes has restricted some of my free time. We were last out on Sunday morning and with the shorter days the sun is just coming up at 6:30. We are in another long dry spell and birds were hard to come by. The Missile started things off with a nice find right off the trail and then Jack followed with a limb find later in their brace. Trip and Ker-b ran together with Kirby having a find with trip backing at about the half way point.
On the way in we stopped at a small pocket of cover to see if we could get Mariah into a bird. She handled well in some really thick cover but didn’t dig out a bird. So, after the big dogs ran we gave her another chance and were able to steer her into a bird. She flash pointed the
woodcock and then ripped it but it was soon gone from sight and she came back in and handled well back to the truck. Hopefully the wheels will stay on and we can get her into lots of birds this fall. She seems fearless in the cover as you can see from the picture of her popping up to see over the goldenrod.

Next week we’ll be heading over to the New York State Grouse Championship which if everyone goes who says they’re going should have a very large entry. Hopefully we’ll get some dogs worked before them and I’ll give you an update.