Wild Apple Dogs

Our dogs are winning field trials and hunting wild birds for their owners around the country.

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Puppies and Started Dogs

See what’s available today and be sure to check back regularly.

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Guide Service

Join us on a hunt for Grouse and Woodcock with the dogs of Wild Apple Kennel.

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Recent Posts

A day in Paradise

Monday morning the temperature was hovering around 60 and there was a dry northwesterly wind (we didn’t even get our boots wet) and Jack and Ginger had three woodcock finds between them up on an old hill farm near the house. Both of them are a little banged up from running in the heavy cover […]

Grouse cover

Thrusday, It was Ker B and Abbie for the “B” dogs and Wild Apple June and Trey for the blog team. Abbie was definitely dog of the day with three finds one of which forced us to cut through a long stretch of heavy, wet cover — we wouldn’t have been wetter had it been […]

One, Two, Three

The biggest difference between dogs like Wild Apple Jack and Stokely Ginger B and the rest of the dogs on the truck is their overwhelming desire to find birds. When they aren‘t in the places where we normally find them the dogs like these dig in and find them someplace else. That was the case […]

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

After a big day on Monday with 16 birds, we only found seven woodcock this morning. Jack and Ginger had the day off but it was more humid this morning then it had been for the last couple of days — it was also very still. Ker-B had the first find of the morning with […]

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