First Outings in Kentucky

We arrived in Kentucky late Saturday afternoon as it was getting dark.  Got the dogs settled into their new digs before getting on the ground Sunday.  The team here in Kentucky is all young dogs Dottie and Spot are this year’s puppies and Dillie is just a little over a year old.  Brandy, Glo, and […]

The End

Today is the last day of 2014 we’ll be heading to Kentucky soon for some winter training and quality family time.  2014 has been a good year here at the kennel.  Although it was exceptionally cold in Kentucky last winter we got some good work in with the dogs and met a lot of great people. […]

Wilderness First Aid for People and Maybe Dogs

Spent the weekend at a Wilderness First Aid Class to re-certify the first aid requirements for my hunting guide’s license.  The Fish and Game requirement is for just a basic first aid course but those are designed for people who are responding to a situation where professional help (ambulance or hospital) is going to be available […]

And So It Starts

The Hot Saw arrived today and started cutting up at the top of the property.  The operator claims he can do five acres a day once he gets his trails cut.  The skidders, processing equipment, and chipper will arrive later and the whole job should be done by Christmas.  One guy with a chainsaw and […]