It was a big day for Tony. He actually pointed the camera in the right direction as I ran the tiller and tractor in and around the cover in our primary training cover he took pictures and they tell the story of the place and what we are trying to accomplish. Our primary hypothesis is […]
Category Archives: Current News
Grouse Nest
When we found this grouse nest last Wednesday we had hoped that she wasn’t done laying eggs yet. There were nine then and there were still nine today which leads us to believe that’s all there will be. A hen grouse takes approximately 17 days to lay a clutch of 9 to 14 eggs and then 23 to 24 […]
Cover Hunting
So, we aren’t running dogs because of the nesting birds, but that doesn’t mean we’re not looking for them. As most of you surely know grouse cover is transitory. There is window in our neck of the woods between the time when the cover is coming back from being cut to the point where it […]
Still Here!
I’m checking just a dusk each night to see if the male woodcock is still singing in my front yard. As of last night he was still here ever hopeful – as am I about this upcoming fall. Although we’ve had some rain over the last week the temperatures have been relatively mild and the […]