If you are into technology at all you know that most products are sent to the market in a Beta format and the software that runs it is usually evolving. That is the case with many computers of all types. The Alpha is a very sophisticated computer that receives signals from satellites and the collar […]
Category Archives: Current News
Counting the Days
It really felt like fall this morning with temperatures hovering around the freezing mark. The season opens here in 11 days and we can hardly wait. We’re still out working dogs as we have a few more trials to go to. This weekend Jack is running in the Northern New England Woodcock Championship and LJ […]
Back in the Woods
The Woodcock Futurity winners — top left, Wild Apple LJ, first — top right, Stokely’s Trash Can, second —bottom left, Stokely’s Frankie B, third — bottom right, Woodcock Haven Stella, fourth. We spend an evening basking in the glory and then Tony and I were back in the woods Monday morning working the dogs that […]
The Lucky Loonie
It was a good weekend in Nakawic, New Brunswick at the North American Woodcock Championship and the Woodcock Futurity. Judging with Tony worked out well and we had no trouble choosing the winner and runner-up, but then some one who had never been to a field trial probably would have found it obvious that Chasehill […]