Tough Day in the Woods

We only had three dogs on the truck this morning and didn’t head out until 9:00.  After many good days this fall including yesterday when the trainer reported that the Little Thudster had 8 super grouse finds, Today was pretty bad.  We started with Jack and he pointed a grouse within 100 yards of the […]

Slow Friday

You can tell we’ve been hunting for over six weeks straight.  Tony and the Great Carnoski don’t even show up until after 8 am and we only take four dogs instead of 6 or more.  In fact Tony suggested yesterday that maybe would should start only taking three.  The fact that riffle deer season started […]

The Rookie Season

As many of you know, I am now writing regularly for Pointing Dog Journal, so I have somewhat of a vested interest in what I’m about to say.  In the current issue there is an article by Ronnie Smith and Susanna Love titled “The Rookie Season.”  This may be one of the most succinct pieces […]

28 Gauge Morning

Tommy recently got a CZ Mini Ringneck in 28 gauge that is identical to mine. I’ve been shooting a 5 1/2 pound 28 gauge CZ Mini Ringneck for a number of years.  Tommy has tried it out a number of times and always shot it well.  There has been a lot of controversy over the […]