Prepotency and Blue Hens

I received this question from one of the guys that is on the list for a Jack X Trip puppy and thought it was worth passing on.Q. This may or may not be a simple question but I’ll ask it anyhow. Does a puppy take more characteristics from the sire or dam? Is there a […]

Wild Apple Jack Litter

I got a call from Steve Forrest today.  His Belle dog that was bred to Wild Apple Jack in early December is getting big.  Puppies should be due in about 2 1/2 weeks looking forward to my stud fee puppy. Still optimistic about the Jack X Trip litter and will confirm pregnancy on the 26th […]

The Big Three

We’re not talking about Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, and Paul Pierce with the Boston Celtics or even LeBron, DWade, and Chris Bosh with the Heat.  We’re talking about the three primary tick-borne diseases – anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and Lyme disease – that effect dogs and humans.  All three share the same form of transmission.  A tick […]


Things are pretty quiet here at the Kennel.  It just barely broke into double digits above zero today.  The outside dogs pretty much stay in their heated kennels and the inside dogs make only brief forays out in the yard.  About the only thing to do is shoot the seemingly endless number of red squirrels […]