International Day

Today was the first day where we loaded up both trucks with dogs and headed out to one of our training covers.  I took all customer dogs as they all seemed ready for a change from yard work and the bird field.  It’s quite the international gathering here at the kennel this summer.  Today the […]


The weather forecast for this morning was rain and drizzle with high humidity.  Not exactly prime conditions for getting much accomplished in the bird field so Tony and I did some exploring.  We live where there are fairly extensive tracts of privately owned industrial forest that is open for hunting and other recreational activities.  Over […]

Brood Alert

Wild Apple Polka Dot (Autumn Snow X Indian Creek Triple Rail)  Dottie pointed her first brood of grouse today.  They were feeding along the edge of a small clearing where I’m sure there were ample grasshoppers and other bugs.  There were at least 10 chicks which is a really good sign.  Big broods, beautiful June […]

Attack Grouse

Grouse!!!! Grouse can do some pretty amazing things.  Over the years, I thought I had seen and heard it all.  Drummers in the spring, clucking birds in the brush, and hens whine so loud to attract you away from chicks that they sound like a cat about to get in a fight.  I’ve also seen […]