Time to Go Home

Wednesday morning after I run Brandy in the Kentucky Derby Classic, I’m heading north.  It was 6 degrees at home this morning but spring is on its way and there is a lot to do at home.  Except for a couple of snow storms it has been a great winter to run dogs here in […]

Spot On

As many of you who follow the Blog know, last spring when I left Kentucky I took three male puppies north with me from a breeding done by Derek Caudill over the summer I referred to them as the “Bud Bros” after their well known sire Casehill Little Bud.  Derek still owns one that we […]

Winter in Kentucky

For the first six weeks I was down here it was like an extended late fall in New England with some cold nights but plenty of days in 40s and even 50s.  During that time I was able to get a lot done with all the dogs but then winter came south with a vengeance. […]

February Update

I almost feel bad for all of you that are still in New England.  I was a senior in high school in 1969 when we had a similar weather pattern with one big snow storm right after another.  I was living in Cambridge in 1978 when I had trouble finding my car parked on a […]