The slab for the new kennel is supposed to be poured mid-week and we have already prefabricated many of the wall panels and expect to have the rest done for this weekends kennel “raising”. Anyone whose close enough to lend a hand will be greatly appreciated. Beer and barbecue will be served.
Category Archives: Current News
Sometime, 20 plus years ago, I wrote an article for Pointing Dog Journal, that described how to use an e-collar on a dogs flank to reinforce the “whoa” command. To the best of my knowledge that was the first time that topic had been addressed in the sporting dog media. Since that time the use of […]
New Kennel
In 2002, fall was fast approaching and our new house was just being completed. I needed to do something to move the dogs to the new place and cobbled together a four-run Scott kennel for the dogs I had at the time. i had every intention of building an actual kennel as soon as time […]
Grouse Camp Begins
Even though the new kennel is behind schedule, all the dogs for the summer program will be here by this afternoon. They range in age from Zephyr who’s a 7 month old English setter puppy to Brandy and Sam who will be shooting dogs in the fall. Once the new kennel is built we’ll be […]