Even though the new kennel is behind schedule, all the dogs for the summer program will be here by this afternoon. They range in age from Zephyr who’s a 7 month old English setter puppy to Brandy and Sam who will be shooting dogs in the fall. Once the new kennel is built we’ll be […]
Category Archives: Bird Dog Training
Dodging a Frost Bullet
Yesterday was in 80s as will today, it seems amazing that we had frost warnings twice last week. Both times we escaped with temperatures in the mid to low 30s but no frost. This is really important for the mast crop for this year. The choke cherries and other cherries have already bloomed and are […]
Bird Snobbery
Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m a bird snob. How could I not be. I can hear woodcock singing and grouse drumming just by stepping out the door of the house. I’ve been working dogs on wild birds in this area for almost 30 years and have had some very accomplished grouse and woodcock dogs during that time. […]
It’s supposed to be spring here in Northern New Hampshire but this is what I woke up to this morning. April 24th and it’s still snowing. Spit snow all day yesterday as well but didn’t stick. Once again, like last year, the mating and nesting season of the woodcock and especially the grouse is being […]