The 2015 season is not even over yet and we already have a number of days book for next fall. We have had an exceptional season with almost a 1000 birds flushed so far. Our success is due to a number of factors. First we had an excellent year on woodcock with strong local populations and then flights that came through consistently through the last three weeks of October. Secondly, grouse numbers were good. It was not our best year by a long shot but there were still plenty of birds around if you were willing to work for them. In fact there still are plenty of grouse (we flushed 23 grouse and 1 woodcock last Sunday), but they have started to bunch up in late season covers and are less predictable then they were earlier when they were spread out throughout our covers. The other factor was the level of competence of our dogs. The older dogs, Rigby and Maggie, both had strong seasons. The Wild Apple dogs, Samantha and Brandy were in their third hunting season, while Spot and Dottie were in their second. These young dogs are only going to get better over the next few seasons and should produce even more birds for our clients. next year Jonathan will also be a part of the team as he has had an excellent first season with a number of birds shot for him on days or afternoons when clients weren’t with us.
Then there will also be puppies to add to the team for the future. I’ve already got puppies on order from Wild Apple Blackbird (Samantha’s sister) that is going to be bred to Elhew G Force when she comes in. Also looking forward to the repeat breeding of Chase Hill Little Bud X Diamond Straight Flush. This is the breeding that produced Spot and the other Bud Bros that were here two summers ago. And finally, if the timing works with our travel to Kentucky this winter, I plan to breed Samantha to Spot. If all these puppies show up as planned we should have some to sell once we have had a chance to determine what they’re going to be. they will all be ready to hunt in the fall of 2016.
That brings me to the point of this post. Many of our clients from this year have already booked dates for next year. If all goes according to plan we will have a second guide available for most of the prime weekends in October and will start booking him once he’s past the guide test this winter. If you’re interested in joining us next fall you should not delay in contacting me through the contact page on this website. Our hunts are limited to a minimum of two days and a maximum of 2 hunters. Hunts include lunch and dogs as needed as you are always welcome to bring your own dogs.