40th Anniversary

Yesterday was Katie and my 40th Anniversary.  Worked dogs, went for a wildlife drive in the afternoon and out for an ice cream cone after dinner.  That was about as much celebrating as we can take.

Young moose grazing in a field.  They are so poorly designed that they have to get down on their knees in front to eat.

Today was primarily a yardwork day as I went from one end of the kennel to the other heeling and whoaing up and down the driveway.  That eats up a good chunk of time and when you do it with ten dogs and puppies and then end on the barrel.  Most of the dogs are now to the point where I can step away from the barrel and snap a picture.

Maggie on the barrel this morning. She’s making great progress.

I also ran the puppies around the big loop and got Jagger out for a run.  I have to keep reminding myself that at just over a year old he’s still part puppy.  He’s making progress all the time and finger doesn’t need to be on the button.  Today he only needed the tone from the e-collar to remind him tp go with me.  He’s also doing better on birds although I need a firm grip on the checkcord when the bird flushes.  I’ll let him chase wild birds but he’s too likely to catch a quail coming out of a trap.  Hopefully he’ll be staunch enough on quail that he’ll transition to wild birds.

Big Thudd got some good pictures of a bunch of the dogs on point I’ll ad them tomorrow.
Posted in Current News.

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