For the first six weeks I was down here it was like an extended late fall in New England with some cold nights but plenty of days in 40s and even 50s. During that time I was able to get a lot done with all the dogs but then winter came south with a vengeance. It started snowing Sunday evening February 15th and by the time it was done we had about 14″. The locals say the last time they got that much snow in one storm was 18 or 19 years ago. It was obvious from the plowing the town and county did that they are not used to dealing with a lot of snow. Then it didn’t warm up as Friday morning we hit New Hampshire-like temperatures as it went down to -26 at the barn Friday morning the 20th.

When it gets too cold at night the dogs sleep in the trailer inside the barn and the six of them kept it warm in the trailer even when the air temperature went to -26.
It warmed up enough to rain a little and then the snow crusted over and I couldn’t run the dogs for fear of them ripping up their feet and lower legs. During that time, It did warm up enough to get some yard work done with everybody. But fortunately after almost two full weeks of winter it was very spring-like today with the temperature today climbing into the low 40s and light rain turning the remaining crust into slush and letting me get everybody out for a good run at the WMA where they canceled a trial that was supposed to run this weekend. Last weekend I had a bunch of dogs entered in another NBHA trial that was canceled. The ten day weather forecast calls a couple of days in the 50s and lots of rain so we should be back on bare ground by midweek when there’s a slight chance of more snow. Tomorrow I should be able to get dogs down on the farm to see if we can find any of the wild coveys that were around before the snow and cold.

Three to five inches of solid crust were on the ground last Thursday at the WMA and even a little bit more at the farm. Just let the dogs out for 20 minutes of exercise with no pad or foot problems.
Next weekend I’ll be going to an ABHA walking trial Saturday and Sunday to run puppies and derbies. the weather report is for sunny days in the mid-40s. Hope that holds as I’ll be judging the shooting dogs both days.

Here’s the five males in the Wild Apple Faith litter. One is definitely coming to Wild Apple Kennel at the end of the month.