Spent Thursday to Sunday down in Fryeburg at the Northern New England Woodcock Championship and the companion stakes on Thursday. In the restricted shooting dog on Thursday two dogs from our breeding got their first shooting dog placements which will qualify them to run in any championships including the Grand National here in NH this fall. Wild Apple Deuce took first and Paucek’s Classy took third. Deuce (pictured here) is from the 2007 Wynot Ace X Elhew Liebotschaner litter and Classy is from the 2008 litter both are full siblings to Wild Apple Jack and Autumn Moon. Jack ran in the championship in the 17th brace which was on course one first thing Sunday morning. He had two grouse finds and a nonproductive where there was woodcock splash at the end of the hour. His race was well applied and filled the difficult course one. The judges reported that he received serious consideration. As the reporter I walked every brace and thought True Patriot the clear winner. Chasehill Little Bud, the runner-up, ran on course one on Saturday and had 5 woodcock and a back and was definitely deserving. Jack really needed a couple of longbeaks to push him out. Stokely’s Kir-B was probably in the mix along with Ginger who ran in the second brace on the new course two. There is still some work to be done to bring this course up to that of the other three courses but I think it has potential.

Training tomorrow then leaving Wednesday for a Salmon fishing trip to New Brunswick. Next week the long guns come out and we won’t be shooting any more blanks for a while. I’ll try to keep this going through the hunting season and the Grand National and then again when I go out to Texas this winter.
Posted in Current News.