It was already approaching 70 and very humid when we arrived in our training cover this morning and as you can see by the picture I have finally figured out a way to keep track of Tony when we’re running dogs together. Now, if I could just get him to wear a shock collar I wouldn’t have to listen to the same stories over and over and over . . . All
kidding aside, the use of the Garmin at this time of year is really helpful. However, sometimes it gives you a little too much information. This morning we ran the “A” team (Ginger and Jack) together. I was listening to Jack’s bell when I heard it stop. Just then Tony’s Astro beeped indicating that Ginger was on point followed a couple of seconds later by my Astro indicating Jack had stopped when we went in you might have called it either way if you hadn’t heard the beeps — I shot and tried to claim the find but Tony wouldn’t buy it. The Garmin doesn’t lie.

Tough morning in the Barn
After finding nine woodcock and two grouse on Wednesday morning, the first two braces went birdless. It took the seasoned veterans to dig out four woodcock on a course that we had already run.
Posted in Current News.