Wild Apple Dogs

Our dogs are winning field trials and hunting wild birds for their owners around the country.

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Puppies and Started Dogs

See what’s available today and be sure to check back regularly.

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Guide Service

Join us on a hunt for Grouse and Woodcock with the dogs of Wild Apple Kennel.

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Recent Posts

The Lucky Loonie

It was a good weekend in Nakawic, New Brunswick at the North American Woodcock Championship and the Woodcock Futurity.  Judging with Tony worked out well and we had no trouble choosing the winner and runner-up, but then some one who had never been to a field trial probably would have found it obvious that Chasehill […]

North American Woodcock Championship Day 1

We ran six braces today.  Got some good bird work in the first three braces but it got quite hot in the afternoon making it very tough on the dogs.  In the first brace we moved three grouse and three woodcock with both Whynot Belle and Richfield Silver Lining finishing clean. In the second brace […]

Judging Assignment

One of the many aspects of the field trial game is getting asked to judge.  Some guys love it and seek out judging assignments.  Personally I’d rather run my dogs, but once in awhile I say yes.  I’ve judge a number of different breeds in a wide range of venues, but mostly I get asked […]

Redundancy of Systems

My Dog Training Gear bag was getting a little out of control so I pulled everything out to rearrange it.   Some people like to brag about the fact that they don’t use an e-collar or don’t believe in tracking devices.  For me they are all tools that have helped me have better dogs and […]

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