Wild Apple Dogs

Our dogs are winning field trials and hunting wild birds for their owners around the country.

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Puppies and Started Dogs

See what’s available today and be sure to check back regularly.

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Guide Service

Join us on a hunt for Grouse and Woodcock with the dogs of Wild Apple Kennel.

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Recent Posts

Now comes the hard part of the season

We’ve hit the hard part of the season.  The woodcock are all but gone, although we still found four yesterday and a couple on Monday, deer rifle season started this morning, and the grouse are really getting tough.  This time of year grouse seem to bunch up in food patches.  You’ll hunt a cover that […]

Hard Day at the Office

Today was a hard day at the office as we have reached the part of the season where the woodcock can be few and far between.  By lunch time we had run four dogs and only moved 3 woodcock and 3 grouse.  The first dog on the ground after our roadside hot lunch of soup […]

13 Days

When I got my Guide’s License I thought I’d do 5 to 10 days the first year just to get my feet wet.  So far I’ve Guided 13 days and have a bunch more booked for November.  It’s been really good with some great people who have brought along some good dogs and some great […]

Statistical Analysis

Back in the early 90s, I kept a hunting log.  Now that I’m guiding I’m supposed to keep a log again.  I thought it might be interesting to see how things compare at the middle of the month. As of today, we’ve moved 200 woodcock and 113 grouse. According to my old logs at about […]

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