Wild Apple Dogs

Our dogs are winning field trials and hunting wild birds for their owners around the country.

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Puppies and Started Dogs

See what’s available today and be sure to check back regularly.

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Guide Service

Join us on a hunt for Grouse and Woodcock with the dogs of Wild Apple Kennel.

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Recent Posts

That’s What I’m Talking About!

Last summer I started a bunch of puppies, 2 for myself and three for customers.  They came from three different litters.  Ruby and Glow are by Autumn Moon out of Creek’s Elhew Lucy.  Brandy (Wild Apple Calvados) is by Autumn Moon out of Coverdog Cover Girl (I called her Mariah when I had her here […]

Sunny Days

Sunny days have been few and far between lately, but today was beautiful with a nice breeze and temperatures reaching the low 70s.  Spent time on yard work with a little pigeon pointing thrown in at the end for the older pups.  Molly and Dottie still did a quail walk and looked pretty good doing […]

Visitors to Wild Apple Kennel

This morning I worked the Bud Bros over my Puppy course and we found a couple of grouse and the quail I had released.  Then we had a couple of visitors.  Angie and Dot (Frankie X Ch Jonesy’s Rebel Revenge) came over to go around the puppy course with our Dot and Molly.  It was […]

Puppy Progress

I always find spending time with the puppies at the kennel fascinating.  They grow so fast and develop quickly.  The Bud Bros have gotten to the point where I can’t gang run them anymore and still keep track of them.  I can still run Molly and Dottie together.  This morning I threw out a couple […]

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