Wild Apple Dogs

Our dogs are winning field trials and hunting wild birds for their owners around the country.

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Puppies and Started Dogs

See what’s available today and be sure to check back regularly.

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Guide Service

Join us on a hunt for Grouse and Woodcock with the dogs of Wild Apple Kennel.

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Recent Posts

Breeding announcement

Wild Apple Snakecharmed (Elhew Snakecharmer X Xenia Elhew Sinbad Jesse) came into heat at the end of last week and will be bred to Wynot Atom (Wild Apple Jack X Wynot Belle).  If all goes as planned we should have puppies some time in the second half of September.  Stay tuned for updates.

Wild Apple Calvados Championship win #3

Northern New England Woodcock Championship From the report in the American Field November 23, 2019 Day Number 5. Luck of the draw, the weather changed overnight leaving the morning’s first brace a damp cooler run.  Both Wild Apple Calvados (Doherty) and Suemac’s Sashay (Hughes) handled and hunted the entire (Lonesome Ridge) course.  Calvado’s ground race […]

Upland Project Podcast

If you haven’t heard the Podcast I did with Nick Larsen at Project Upland click on the link below. https://projectupland.com/project-upland-listen/72-building-a-grouse-dog-with-craig-doherty-of-wild-apple-kennel-project-upland-podcast/  

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