Wild Apple Dogs

Our dogs are winning field trials and hunting wild birds for their owners around the country.

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Puppies and Started Dogs

See what’s available today and be sure to check back regularly.

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Guide Service

Join us on a hunt for Grouse and Woodcock with the dogs of Wild Apple Kennel.

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Recent Posts

Puppies Again

Over the years a lot of puppies have gone through the kennel and for the most part they have gone through the same program that produced Grand National Grouse Champions Wild Apple Jack and Autumn Moon.  Sometimes they are puppies we’ve whelped like the litter that produced Jack and Moon and sometimes they are puppies […]

Time to Go Home

Wednesday morning after I run Brandy in the Kentucky Derby Classic, I’m heading north.  It was 6 degrees at home this morning but spring is on its way and there is a lot to do at home.  Except for a couple of snow storms it has been a great winter to run dogs here in […]

Spot On

As many of you who follow the Blog know, last spring when I left Kentucky I took three male puppies north with me from a breeding done by Derek Caudill over the summer I referred to them as the “Bud Bros” after their well known sire Casehill Little Bud.  Derek still owns one that we […]

Winter in Kentucky

For the first six weeks I was down here it was like an extended late fall in New England with some cold nights but plenty of days in 40s and even 50s.  During that time I was able to get a lot done with all the dogs but then winter came south with a vengeance. […]

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